The Shapiro-Wilk test is a widely used statistical procedure for testing the normality of a data set. Developed by Samuel Shapiro and Martin Wilk in 1965, this test is particularly effective for small sample sizes, typically considered to be less than 50. The test calculates a statistic, often denoted as W, which evaluates the degree to which a set of data conforms to a normal distribution.
Here's a brief overview of the test:
Purpose: The primary objective of the Shapiro-Wilk test is to determine whether a given sample comes from a normally distributed population. This is crucial in statistics, as many parametric tests assume normality of the data.
Method: The test compares the order statistics (sorted data points) of the sample to the expected values of these order statistics if the data were normally distributed. The W statistic is a measure of how closely the data points match the normal distribution.
W Statistic: The W value ranges from 0 to 1, where values close to 1 indicate that the data are likely normally distributed. A lower W value suggests deviations from normality.
Interpretation: The result of the test includes the W statistic and a p-value. The null hypothesis of the test is that the data are normally distributed. If the p-value is less than a chosen significance level (commonly 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected, suggesting that the data are not normally distributed.
Applications: The Shapiro-Wilk test is used in various fields for preliminary data analysis, especially where normality is an assumption for further statistical tests, such as ANOVA, t-tests, and regression analysis.
Overall, the Shapiro-Wilk test is a fundamental tool in statistics for assessing the normality of data, providing an essential step in many analytical procedures.
In this Jupyter notebook, we're going to create a distribution chart for the W statistic, using a sample size of n, by employing Monte Carlo simulation methods. Subsequently, we will evaluate and contrast the outcomes of our self-generated W statistic against the results from the Shapiro test, which is a built-in feature of the Scipy library.
W statistic¶
Some theory¶
The W statistic is give by the following expression:
$$ W = \frac{\left(\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n} a_j X_{(j)}\right)^2}{\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n} (X_j - \overline{X})^2} $$Where
$X_{(j)}$ is the $j^{th}$ order statistic. For instance, we draw a sample of size 10 from a distribution, we arrange the sample in ascending order. So $X_{(1)}$ would be the smallest value of the sample and $X_{(10)}$ would be the highest.
$a_j \in [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] = \frac{1}{C} \left( m^{T}V^{-1} \right)$
$C := (m^T V^{-1} V^{-1} m)^\frac{1}{2}$
$V$ is covariance matrix where $V_{i,j}=\mathbb{E}[(Z_{(i)}-m_i)(Z_{(j)}-m_j)]$
$m := [m_1, m_2, ..., m_n]$, where $m_i:= \mathbb{E}[Z_{(i)}]$
$Z_{(i)}$ is $i^{th}$ order statistic. And $Z_i$ is $i.i.d$ $N(0,1)$
Note: $\mathbb{E}[Z_{(i)}]$ of order statistics depends on sample size. It is because order statistics are determined by the ranks of the data points in a sample, and as the sample size changes, the distribution of these ranks changes. As the sample size increases, the range of possible values for a particular order statistic also increases. For instance, the maximum value in a larger sample is likely to be greater than the maximum in a smaller sample simply because there are more data points from which the maximum can be drawn.
Calculating expectation of order statistics¶
In a sample of size $(n)$ the expected value of the $(r)$ th largest order statistic is given by $$ E(r, n) = \frac{n!}{(r - 1)!(n - r)!} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(1 - \Phi(x))^{r-1}(\Phi(x))^{n-r}\phi(x) \, dx, $$ where $$ \phi(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}x^2\right) $$ and $$ \Phi(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{x} \phi(z) \, dz. $$
by Royston (1982).
Another way to calculate expected value of order statistics is by Monte Carlo simulation.
We will code both the ways, but we will use the expected values calculated by Monte Carlo simulation.
# importing libraries
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.special import binom
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import shapiro
# function for calculating expectations of order statistics
inf, phi, Phi = float('inf'), norm.pdf, norm.cdf
def E(r, n):
def f(x):
F = Phi(x)
return x*(1-F)**(r-1)*F**(n-r)*phi(x)
return r*binom(n, r)*quad(f, -inf, inf)[0]
Creating vector m¶
# defining the sample size,
# creating vector m
m=np.array([E(i,n) for i in range(1,n+1)])
m=m[::-1] #reversing the order since Royston (1982) give j-th largest order statistic
array([[-1.53875273], [-1.00135704], [-0.65605911], [-0.3757647 ], [-0.12266775], [ 0.12266775], [ 0.3757647 ], [ 0.65605911], [ 1.00135704], [ 1.53875273]])
Creating covariance matrix V¶
To create the covariance matrix $V$, we run a Monte Carlo simulation.
cov_matrix = np.cov(matrix, rowvar=False)
array([[0.34480823, 0.17113808, 0.11640678, 0.08818278, 0.07066647, 0.05855113, 0.04903132, 0.04097532, 0.03424416, 0.02729233], [0.17113808, 0.21423015, 0.14650601, 0.11143691, 0.08958855, 0.07415785, 0.06220751, 0.05215463, 0.04342614, 0.03446663], [0.11640678, 0.14650601, 0.17499184, 0.13362146, 0.1075927 , 0.08917342, 0.07486115, 0.06289104, 0.05235331, 0.04142845], [0.08818278, 0.11143691, 0.13362146, 0.15778144, 0.12737174, 0.10577756, 0.08898409, 0.07488866, 0.06251412, 0.04923958], [0.07066647, 0.08958855, 0.1075927 , 0.12737174, 0.15084324, 0.12552122, 0.10573817, 0.08902319, 0.07434763, 0.05857413], [0.05855113, 0.07415785, 0.08917342, 0.10577756, 0.12552122, 0.15084589, 0.12736883, 0.10756093, 0.08972441, 0.07074192], [0.04903132, 0.06220751, 0.07486115, 0.08898409, 0.10573817, 0.12736883, 0.15776356, 0.13360747, 0.11161433, 0.0881613 ], [0.04097532, 0.05215463, 0.06289104, 0.07488866, 0.08902319, 0.10756093, 0.13360747, 0.17481381, 0.14665464, 0.11628571], [0.03424416, 0.04342614, 0.05235331, 0.06251412, 0.07434763, 0.08972441, 0.11161433, 0.14665464, 0.21464918, 0.17107261], [0.02729233, 0.03446663, 0.04142845, 0.04923958, 0.05857413, 0.07074192, 0.0881613 , 0.11628571, 0.17107261, 0.34390761]])
array([[-1.53889117], [-1.00124066], [-0.65582729], [-0.37548451], [-0.12268297], [ 0.12199091], [ 0.3747911 ], [ 0.65507792], [ 1.00003415], [ 1.53729462]])
Creating the length C¶
$C := (m^T V^{-1} V^{-1} m)^\frac{1}{2}$
C = (m.T @ (np.linalg.inv(cov_matrix)) @ (np.linalg.inv(cov_matrix)) @ m)**(0.5) # '@' multplies two matrices
Creating vector a¶
$a = [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] = \frac{1}{C} \left( m^{T}V^{-1} \right)$
a=(m.T @ (np.linalg.inv(cov_matrix)))/(C)
array([[-0.57207524, -0.3328623 , -0.2068158 , -0.12950197, -0.04215577, 0.04442722, 0.1267467 , 0.20638143, 0.32896421, 0.57598846]])
Monte Carlo simulation to plot W statistic distribution¶
$$ W = \frac{\left(\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n} a_j X_{(j)}\right)^2}{\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n} (X_j - \overline{X})^2} $$# generating many samples
array([[-2.02258982, -1.19155678, -0.81895459, ..., 1.30640262, 1.45529678, 2.35676065], [-2.3236977 , -1.14898889, -0.55883736, ..., 0.19719931, 0.65898349, 1.63017364], [-1.38408064, -1.08530663, -0.80016064, ..., 0.56901273, 1.2402628 , 2.40098544], ..., [-1.44008624, -1.24841506, -0.65395294, ..., -0.04813313, 0.68951906, 1.21878072], [-0.81335319, -0.78517371, -0.69083909, ..., 0.77903271, 1.52354765, 1.81966713], [-1.38512201, -1.02405077, -0.93704861, ..., 0.60640053, 0.66852956, 1.35122507]])
# calculation the variance of each sample
x_var=np.var(x_mat, axis=1,ddof=1)
array([1.85990199, 1.09925087, 1.35017523, ..., 0.64084908, 0.93247314, 0.75201877])
denomenator=(x_var)*(n-1) #this is our denomenator of W statistic
array([[16.73911793, 9.89325784, 12.15157709, ..., 5.76764168, 8.39225825, 6.76816897]])
numerator = (a @ x_mat.T)**2 #this is our numerator of W statistic
array([[16.3838163 , 9.54557876, 11.27184021, ..., 5.40733275, 7.51559228, 6.57310058]])
W=W.flatten() #without flatten, plt takes a lot time to plot hist
array([0.97877417, 0.96485697, 0.92760307, ..., 0.93752924, 0.89553873, 0.97117856])
plt.title("W statistic distribution")
plt.xlabel("W statistic")
Using our created distribution to test and comparing it with in-built shapiro test of library scipy-stats¶
Here we will compare the accuracies
# Standardize the matrix
mean = (np.mean(y,axis=1)).reshape(iter,1)
std_dev = (np.std(y,axis=1,ddof=1)).reshape(iter,1)
y_standardised = (y - mean) / std_dev
shapiro_stat, shapiro_p=np.array([]),np.array([])
for i, row in enumerate(y_standardised):
shapiro_stat, shapiro_p = np.append(shapiro_stat,shapiro(row)[0]),np.append(shapiro_p,shapiro(row)[1])
our_stat=np.array([(((a @ row.T)**2)/(np.var(row,ddof=1)*(n-1)))[0] for row in y_standardised])
our_p=np.array([((W_sorted<i).sum())/len(W) for i in our_stat])
print(f"Accuracy of in-built test:{round((((shapiro_p>0.05).sum())/iter)*100,2)} %")
print(f"Accuracy of our test:{round((((our_p>0.05).sum())/iter)*100,2)} %\n")
Accuracy of in-built test:92.24 % Accuracy of our test:92.07 %
Harter, H. L. (1961). Expected Values of Normal Order Statistics. Biometrika, 48(1/2), 151–165.
Royston, J. P. (1982). Algorithm AS 177: Expected normal order statistics (exact and approximate). Journal of the royal statistical society. Series C (Applied statistics), 31(2), 161-165.
Shapiro, S. S., & Wilk, M. B. (1965). An Analysis of Variance Test for Normality (Complete Samples). Biometrika, 52(3/4), 591–611.